
Developers Log

A blog about software developing and technology


April 2017

When Alamofire returns .Success on error HTTP Status codes

By default Alamofire treats any completed request as successful: as long as it can connect to server, and the server responds, it will consider that everything is OK. This means you will be getting a .Success even on this situations when the HTTP status code returned on those calls corresponds to some 4xx HTTP error code.

TrueOS 12: a review

A peek into TrueOS 12, a FreeBSD based system, that aims to provide and easy to use desktop operative system.

Swift 3 on Linux: software development

Is Swift viable in Linux? what kind of applications could I build? In order to provide some insights on those questions, I decided to start building a simple program: a REST client that would send data to an Azure based mobile service.

Installing TrueOS: FreeBSD for your desktop

TrueOS is a FreeBSD based desktop-oriented operating system. Fully compatible with the underlying FreeBSD system it combines the power, stability, and security of the former with an easy to use installer that allows the unexperienced user to set up the system in no time.

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