
Developers Log

A blog about software developing and technology


June 2017

iOS 11: Swipe left/right in UITableViewCell

Let's have a look at iOS 11: concretely let's see how to add actions, left, and right swipe, to table rows.

Swift 3: Uploading Images from Image Gallery to a server

In this tutorial we will see how to upload an image from the photo gallery to a server using Swift 3.

Reasons to use Debian

A quick look at the DistroWatch front page will tell you that there are hundreds of Linux distributions out there to choose from, and although that is a good thing, it also makes it difficult for newcomers to decide which one is the best for them. In this post I will list a short list of points at which Debian excels.

Installing FreeBSD 11

Having played for a while with TrueOS, a desktop oriented FreeBSD based distribution, I have decided to try the original FreeBSD system: I intend to use it as a FAMP testing server for some projects. The first step is, of course, installing FreeBSD: I am happy to say that for a system with a slightly intimidating reputation, the installation process has gone like a breeze: quick, and easy.

Swift 3: Left swipe actions in UItableView

In this post we will see how we can use the SwipeCellKit library to improve the native swipe functionality in UITableView Cell by adding functionalities likes the ones available in the iOS email app: left and right swipe, plus icons, and animations

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