
Developers Log

A blog about software developing and technology



How to fix: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes

How to fix this CORS policy error message: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https

Microsoft Graph with Postman made easy

Learn how to call the Microsoft Graph API using Postman with this quick and easy guide. Let's start by seeing how we can get our Authentication Token using OAuth2, and then lets use it to call the Microsoft Graph APIs.

Unit testing a custom method that has an ActionFilter

In this post we will see how we can test an ASP.NET MVC custom Action Filter using xUnit.

How To: Adding Custom Action Filters to a Web API

In this post we will see how we can add Action Filters to a Web API Controller.

ASP.NET: Enabling Cross-Origin Requests

A Cross-Origin request blocked  error happens when a web application tries to access resources - like a REST WebApi - that are placed in a different domain.

Postman: tips to speed up REST developement

Postman is a REST client for testing web services. Available as a standalone application for Windows, MacOS, and Linux and as chrome extension, it is a must-have tool for developers working with Web API.

Swift 3: Uploading Images from Image Gallery to a server

In this tutorial we will see how to upload an image from the photo gallery to a server using Swift 3.

Swift 3: an introduction to Promises with PromiseKit

A Promise is an object that represents the result of an asynchronous operation. Promises make easier working with asynchronous calls, and make for cleaner, and easier to understand code. The PromiseKit project allow us to add promises to our Swift projects.

Swift 3: quick guide to ObjectMapper

A simple guide through examples to ObjectMapper: although using a mapper library is not strictly required, doing so will allow us to map JSON into objects in a quicker, and easier manner.

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